"Refrigerator Technologies" - 21st Century Electronics Paper

Victoria Fagg
Professor Roundtree
Art 211-LN
16 October 2017
Refrigerator Technologies
             Currently in time people cannot image their lives without refrigerators. Refrigerators are considered a necessity in everyday lives for most the world. The history of refrigerators begins in the 1800s. Ice was harvested, covered in saw dust, and used in ice houses to help preserve food (Ashrae Journal).  Around this time mechanical refrigeration were being invented and ice harvesting farms used plates to farm the ice (Ashrae Journal). In 1880s, there were ice farms in Austin, TX using Carre ammonium absorption methods to help freeze the ice (Ashrae Journal). Then, early 1900s the first refrigerators came about using ammonium, furthermore in the 1950s and 1960s there is carbon dioxide used as the cooling agents, rotatory air compressors, and automatic defrost systems, which all caused the frozen food industry to skyrocket (Ashrae Journal).  In the 1970s and 1980s, oil fused coils were used as condensers to fuel the refrigerators and microprocessors were put in to control the compressing system (Ashrae Journal). From this time, there have been many improvements made to better refrigerators. Technology has improved that help make refrigerators more user friendly.  
            Today, in the 21st century, refrigerators have come alone way from the ice rooms used to perverse food. All the name brand appliance companies have high tech refrigerators that are changing the future. Samsung’s newest refrigerator has cameras inside that can send you photos of each drawer even if you are away from the house (Harris, Jamie). Users can also adjust the temperature through Wi-Fi, along with an alert if the door remains open (Harris, Jamie). Furthermore, with a tablet on the outside of the refrigerator one can order groceries from the screen, play music, leave notes, and have the family calendar (Harris, Jamie). Next, LG made a smart fridge that doors open for you when you put your foot near the sensor (Harris, Jamie). This refrigerator also has a tablet will all different types of applications, cameras to inside, and can label the food (Harris, Jamie). The new Whrilpool model does not have the tablet feature but does have Wi-Fi notifications and a new party mode where ice is created faster and corrects the temperature from frequency of opening the doors (Harris, Jamie). Other new gadgets you can get for your refrigerator is Microsoft and Liebherr made a camera that can tell you the exact amount of product that is in each container in your refrigerator (Harris, Jamie). The refrigerators and camera are the newest models and depict how far technology has brought us from the 1800s.
            With these new technologies, it seems that refrigerators are becoming smarter to help daily lives function more efficiently. Our world has come a long way from ice house to refrigerators that will order your groceries for you in a tap of a button. Who knows what new technologies they will have in the futures, you may never have to open it again. Soon the refrigerators could be set to automatically order products when the camera sees they are getting low, being one step ahead of you in your busy lives. With increasing technology things, we use every day are more efficient and help make lives easier.

Ashrae Journal. “100 Years of Refrigeration”. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., November 2004, https://www.google.com/url sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=18&ved=0ahUK   EwjzhLS8s_TWAhVCj5AKHTfUBp4QFgiAATAR&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ashra            e.org%2FFile%2520Library%2FdocLib%2FPublic%2FASHRAE-D-22923-   20050105.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0hWdoJBZJMFL0H9DlttsMF

Harris, Jamie. “From touchscreen for ordering groceries to the auto-open doors: These are the fridges of the future.” BT.com, September 2016, http://home.bt.com/tech-gadgets/future- tech/refrigerator-samsung-lg-whirlpool-microsoft-fridge-11364032154040


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